Difficult to calculate how many people now use "Photoshop5.5" - too many people using computers, using computer graphics too many people, almost all people who use computer graphics are more or less on Photoshop5.5 know ... ...
Asked a question mentally retarded: Photoshop5.5 What is the most wonderful thing?
Channel? Layer? Filter?
These answers are correct! But I thought: Photoshop5.5 most amazing is that "color adjustment." Oh, personal views, only for your reference.
Go take a look? ?
(Figure 1)
Figure 1, the menu is the "adjustment" command, he was in the "graphics" menu, which includes: Levels (Levels), Auto Levels (Automatic Levels), Auto contrast (Auto Contrast), Curves (curve adjustment), Color Balance (color adjust), Brightness / Contrast (brightness / contrast), Hue / Saturation (hue / color saturation), Desaturation (removal of color), Replace Color (replace color), Selective Color (select color), Channel Mixer (channel mixer), Invert (reverse), Equalize (equal), Threshold (threshold value), Posterize (color separation), Variations (changes) and other directives.
One, Levels, Auto Levels, Auto contrast, Curves, Brightness / Contrast mainly to adjust the contrast of the image, they can change the distribution of the image pixel values and can be adjusted in a certain range of colors. Levels, Auto Levels, Color Balance, Selective Color can adjust the image color balance degree, Hue / Saturation, Replace Color, Selective Color, Invert, Equalize, Threshold, Posterize, Variations and other instructions can modify the image in a specific color. Next, we were more of these instructions to make a statement ... ...
First of all, "Levels (Levels)" command ... ...
Now, we open an image, to look at Levels (Figure 2)
(Figure 2)
Under the Image menu select Adjust sub-menu "Levels" command, bring up Figure 3 expressed Levels (Levels command) dialog box.
(Figure 3)
The next several parts of the Levels dialog box to make a little introduction:
1, Channel Options bar
Let's look at what he is. (Figure 4)
(Figure 4)
Channel through the Levels dialog box, options bar (where the options will change with the image of the pattern), you can composite channel or adjust the color channels, respectively, also can adjust several color channels simultaneously (for example, "RG "He said that the red channel and green channel. way: hold down the Shift key while floating in the Channel window, select the channel). Your selection, Channel Options bar will show the selected channel abbreviation, such as RGB, RG, GB or CMYK, CM, CK, etc..
2, the image histogram.
Histogram of each image brightness according to value (0 ~ 255) Office distinguish between the number of pixels. White triangle on the right image of a dark part of the slider control, the left slider controls the black triangle part of the image of the light-colored, gray triangle slider to the middle of the middle of the image color control.
Move the slider to enable channel (selected channels) the darkest and brightest pixels into black and white, respectively, to adjust the image's tonal range - so you can use it to adjust the image contrast: the slider left to adjust the contrast of the image in shadow, the white triangle to the right to adjust the contrast of the image in shadow. On the left of the black slider to the right, the image become darker in color, contrast weak (to the right of the white slider to the left, the image faded color, contrast also become weak). Two sliders in the histogram of their respective ends of said high light and shadow.
As for the middle of the gray triangle slider, which controls the Gamma value, while the Gamma value of another measure of image contrast of the middle tone. Gamma values can be changed to change the image brightness values of the middle tone, but not on the shadow and bright areas have too much influence. The gray triangle slider to the right a little action can make the middle tone darker, moving slightly to the right middle tone can brighten. (In the Input Levels dialog box, the data that is representative of the middle tone value)
We take a look at the image (Figure 5), take note of Channel Options bar (for the R-channel), histogram of the triangular slider position and leaf diagram in Figure 2, the difference between the leaves.
(Figure 5)
3, Input Levels
I wonder if you noticed: When the histogram of the slider moves, Input Levels value box for the three different changes of their own.
In fact, a control is the "Input Levels." Direct numerical control in the input box, you can also use histogram of the triangular slider control.
You can use two methods to reset the image of high light and shadow. However, the Department of reset after high light and dark contrast of the problem may occur (usually the average color of the image will not have this problem, if the pixel value is concentrated in the gray value of the ends of the middle tone contrast there is a problem), we need Use the middle slider to adjust the contrast of the gray triangle.
4, Output Levels
Output Levels on the histogram below, there are two numerical input box next to who.
He shows the value to be output, and Input Levels as: You can use the numerical control, you can also use the slider control (though he was only two sliders: one black, one white). Black triangular slider controls the contrast of shadow images (from left to right data the first data box is the shadow value), the white triangle slider to control the image contrast of the bright part (the second value data box). For example, under the plan, the white triangle slider to 158, then the light department pixels (Input Levels in the 255) will become 158, while the lower image, the pixel brightness values will become correspondingly more dark pixels, or black triangle slider to 89, the shadow pixels (Input Levels in the 0) will be mapped to 89, and the image corresponding to other pixels will become more bright pixels.
With the view of Figure 6, please note that the figure of the value, the slider changes the position and image.
(Figure 6)
The next dialog box on the right side should be a few buttons ... ...
OK, Cancel, Load, Save how to use the four options, I believe not me, right? I only talk about the Auto (Automatic) This option Rights -
Auto option functions as Auto Levels command. Click him, Photoshop5.5 will automatically equal the "Levels" adjustment: will the brightest pixel is defined as white, the darkest pixel is defined as black, pro rata among the pixel color value (the default when 10% reduction in pixels, that identifies the image in the brightest and darkest pixels, pixels by 0.5%, respectively, to ensure representative values of white and black pixels).
However, this is a default view, you can change the default value of the natural Rights: Press the Alt key while you click the Auto button in the dialog box (press the Alt key once, Auto will become Option), transfer the Option dialog box ( Figure 7). Enter you think the appropriate percentage (range is 0.5% ~ 1%), "OK" OK.
(Figure 7)
Usually, Auto (Auto Levels) for simple comparison of the grayscale and pixel values of the average image. If the image is complex, manual adjustment can be made more accurate results - Oh, to steal a little lazy, "Auto Levels" also said in together friends, do not look do not understand it?
Finally, "OK"! On the line.
(Now the new image would have friends ... ... to re-open the Levels dialog box, you will see the new histogram Rights ... ...)
In the previous section, because the lazy, the "Levels" and "Auto Levels" and spoke together, it touches save a lot of things. Tasted the sweetness of the natural want to secretly lazy: the "Auto Contrast" jump in the past ... ...
Do not blame me ... ... In fact, the "Auto Levels" and "Auto Contrast" has a "automatic" the word, I just want to say also that there can not go Well, Who he is "automatic" again? ... ... "Automatic" that there is no dialog, just click the mouse you can blame me ... you ... oh.
This section mainly talk about the adjustment of image contrast of the two commands: Curves (curve adjustment), and Brightness / Contrast (Brightness / Contrast) command ... ...
Now, go look together?
Curves (curve adjustment) command
In the "Adjust" menu, select "Curves (curve adjustment)" command, adjusting the Curves dialog box that Figure 8 in that dialog then:
(Figure 8)
We look a little theory, and then use an image to demonstrate results.
First of all, Channel (option column).
And "Levels (Levels)" the same channel can be selected here, use the same. I do not speak out of turn up.
Then, the right button.
Or the same (just more than a "Smooth Smooth" button, and his role is mandatory to make the curve smoothing), the same methods. I do not speak out of turn up.
(Ah, but also all the same? Is not spanking it?)
(No! Not! Of course, different place, Let me show thin Road to ... ...)
Then, a curve.
Open dialog box, the curve of the curve at the default of "line" state.
Curve with the horizontal axis and vertical axis, horizontal axis represents the brightness value of the original image, the equivalent of the Input Levels Levels item; the vertical axis represents the new brightness value, equivalent to the Output Levels Levels dialog box items.
The horizontal axis and vertical axis can be adjusted by the relationship between the diagonal (curve) to control:
1, curve the upper right corner of the endpoint to the left to increase the contrast of the image bright areas, making the image brighter (endpoint moves down, the opposite results). The lower left corner of the endpoint curve rightward, increasing the contrast of shadow images, the image is darkened (endpoint upward, the opposite results).
2, using the "adjustment point" control the middle part of the diagonal (the curve with the mouse click, you can increase the node). Curve slope is his gray factor, if the midpoint in the curve adjustment to add a point to move, make the image brighter. Move the adjustment point, it will make the image darker (actually gray curve adjustment coefficient, this and the Levels dialog box drag the lower right triangle in the gray gray color scale, left-drag the gray color to improve the same order). In addition, Input and Output can also be numerical box control
3, if you want to adjust the image of middle tone, and do not want to adjust the image when the impact of light and shadow effects of the Department, must first use the mouse in the curve of 1 / 4 and 3 / 4 point increase in regulation, then transferred to the middle adjustment.
Also, if you want to know the image pixel value in a particular region, you can first select a color channel, the mouse on the image to adjust the part of the move the mouse slightly, then curves in a circle will appear (circle is Curves dialog box, the mouse is located in the region in the corresponding position), and Input and Output Value box displays the map area where the pixel value of the mouse.
3, drawn curve
Curve of a pencil lower right of the chart options, select him, and in any curve chart drag the mouse, you can draw an arbitrary curve.
When the mouse over curve of the chart will become a pencil icon, press the Shift key while clicking in the chart, the line is forced into a straight line constraint.
Now, we open a gray image, respectively, he converted to RGB and CMYK color mode the image to see in two modes, Curves dialog box, the difference between ... ...
(Figure 9)
Figure 9 is the case in RGB mode (RGB is the default setting), then the curve shows the brightness values range from 0 to 255, the representative image of the shadow left (the leftmost value is 0, that is black), right on behalf of image of the bright part (the rightmost value of 255, or white). Curve is equivalent to coordinate the back of the box, each box stands for 64 pixels.
(Figure 10)
In CMYK mode, the dialog box that looks like Figure 10 friends. At this time, "curve" range 0 ~ 100% (percentage), the representative image of the left curve of the bright part (left-most value is 0), the curve of the representative image of the shadow on the right (the rightmost value of 100%). Then each square is 25%.
In Figure 9 and Figure 10, Input and Output no value box. Once the mouse over graphs, the value will be shown matter, slightly adjust the curve, "input box" will appear.
If you use the mouse to click the black and white gradient bar chart below the double-triangle small icons, bright areas and dark location of the Department of exchange. Hold down the Alt key while you click the curve chart in the box, the box will become more refined, again click will restore the original size of the grid.
Finally, the "curve adjustment method."
In fact, the method is simple, just need to click on the curve with the mouse, drag on it ... ...
Click the mouse in the curve, an adjustment will increase the points (up to 14 adjustment points). Drag adjustment point, you can adjust the color of the image. Regulation point pulled out a chart or select a regulatory point and press the Delete key to remove the adjustment points can be.
Drag curve endpoint or regulation point, until the image is satisfactory so far. Must remember to Privew (preview) option selected, or you may not see changes in image Oh.
Now, we just wish to mention a gray image with the Curves command to see amazing results ... ... (Figure 11 is the effect before adjustment, Figure 12 is the adjusted results)
(Figure 11) (Figure 12)
OK! Curves command on the right is almost here. Next ... ...
Brightness / Contrast (Brightness / Contrast) command.
Brightness / Contrast command, and the first few commands, like: mainly used for adjusting image brightness and contrast. Use it on a simple image of the tonal range adjustment.
In the Image menu, select Brightness / Contrast command, can recall Brightness / Contrast dialog box, and shown in Figure 13.
(Figure 13)
Triangle slider to see the dialog box yet? Drag it can adjust the Brightness (brightness) and Contrast (contrast): the left drag, the image brightness and contrast reduced drag to the right, then the brightness and contrast increased (the value of each slide showed that the brightness or contrast value, the range of -100 to 100), after adjusting to the right, "OK" OK.
Now, we run in Figure 12, the command to see the effect of this order: (Figure 14, note the difference with Figure 12)
(Figure 14)
You satisfied with it? However, there are a lot of annoying his limitations: he role of all the pixels in the image (not for selective processing, can not act on a single channel), and not suitable for high output. But since it exists, naturally has his use, is not it?
Well, to look behind the stuff?
Typically, to accurately identify the image "color cast", "not enough color saturation" and other color issues, it must be more accurate in the case of color, naturally, the first premise is the image of the "color correction" friends.
In the beginning of this post, I adjusted to the various commands Photoshop5.5 classified - into three categories: one for the adjustment of "contrast", one for the adjustment of "color balance", one for the "Edit Color" - front that are relevant to adjust the contrast of the order, this section focuses on adjusting the image on the "color balance" that is "color correction" of the two commands ... ...
These two commands are very simple to use, do not believe? Take a look!
Color Balance (Color Balance) command
In the Image menu select Adjust sub-menu in the Color Balance command, the Color Balance dialog box on the adjustable. (Figure 15)
(Figure 15)
Color Balance command to a general color correction, he can change the image color composition, but can not precisely control the individual color components (color channels), can only act on the composite color channel.
First need of the dialog box Tone Balance (balance area) options bar, choose the color you want to re-scope changes, including: Shadows (darkened area), Midtones (middle tone area), Highights (high-light area).
Options bar below the Preserve Luminosity (to maintain brightness) option to keep the image in the color balance. Usually, adjusting the RGB color model image, the brightness of the image in order to maintain the value of this option must be selected.
Then Color Banlance bar, which is the main part of the Color Balance dialog box: "color correction" on the box through the input numerical value here or move the slider to achieve triangulation. Triangle slider to the need to increase the color, or off the want to reduce the color, you can change the color of the image composition (increase in the slider close to the color from the color reduction), at the same time, Color Levels ( color section) box next to the three data values will be changing between -100 and 100 (a corresponding value, the three numerical boxes represent R, G, B channels of the color change, if the Lab color mode, These three values represent the color channel A and B). Adjusted to the satisfaction of color, according to OK OK on the line.
鑰佽鐭╋紝鎴戜滑杩樻槸浜嬪疄鏉ヨ瘉瀹濩olor Balance鍛戒护鐨勬晥鏋滐細锛堝浘16銆?7锛?br />
(Figure 16)
(Figure 17)
鐜板湪锛屽簲璇ヨ璇碨elective Color锛堥?瀹氶鑹诧級鍛戒护浜嗏?鈥﹂鍏堣皟鍑哄璇濇锛氬浘18
(Figure 18)
鍜孋olor Balance鍛戒护鐩稿悓锛孲elective Color鍛戒护鐨勪綔鐢ㄥ湪浜庢牎姝i鑹茬殑涓嶅钩琛¢棶棰樺拰璋冩暣棰滆壊銆備笉杩囷紝浠栫殑閲嶇偣鍦ㄤ簬鍗板埛棰滆壊鐨勫鍑忊?鈥?br />
Selective Color棰滆壊鏍℃瀹為檯涓婃槸閫氳繃鎺у埗鍘熻壊涓殑鍚勭鍗板埛娌瑰ⅷ鐨勬暟閲忔潵瀹炵幇鏁堟灉鐨勶紝鎵?互浣犲彲浠ュ湪涓嶅奖鍝嶅叾浠栧師鑹茬殑鎯呭喌涓嬩慨鏀瑰浘鍍忎腑鏌愮鍘熻壊涓嵃鍒疯壊鐨勬暟閲忋?
Method锛堟柟娉曪級閮ㄥ垎鍖呮嫭涓や釜閫夐」锛歊elative 锛堢浉瀵癸級鍜孉bsolute锛堢粷瀵癸級銆傞?鎷㏑elativec閫夐」鏃讹紝Photoshtop5.5鎸夌収鎬婚噺鐨勭櫨鍒嗘瘮鏇存敼鐜版湁鐨勯潚鑹层?娲嬬孩銆侀粍鑹插拰榛戣壊閲忋?渚嬪锛屽浘鍍忎腑鐜版湁50%鐨勯潚鑹诧紝濡傛灉浣犲鍔犱簡30%锛岄偅涔堢浉瀵逛簬鍘熸湁鐨?0%鏉ヨ锛屽疄闄呭鍔犱簡15锛咃紙50%鍜?0%鐩镐箻鐨勭粨鏋滐紝琛ㄧず闈掕壊澧炲姞鍒?锛曪紖浜嗭級銆傞?鎷〢bsolute閫夐」鏃讹紝Photoshop5.5浼氭寜缁濆鍊艰皟鏁撮鑹层?渚嬪锛屽浘鍍忎腑鐜版湁锛曪紣锛呯殑闈掕壊锛屽鏋滀綘浠庡鍔犱簡30%锛岄偅涔堝鍔犲悗鍥惧儚涓氨浼氭湁8锛愶紖鐨勯潚鑹诧紙涓よ?鐩稿姞锛夈?
鈥︹?鎺ョ潃鍦ㄥ璇濇涓嫋鍔ㄤ笁瑙掑舰婊戝潡澧炲姞鎴栧噺灏戞墍閫夐鑹茬殑鎴愬垎銆傛渶鍚庯紝鎸夛集锛寜閽‘瀹氣?鈥?br />
浣犵湅鎳傝繖涓?ぇ涓叉暟鍊间簡鍚э紵鍛靛懙锛屾湁鐐瑰鏉傦紝杩炴垜鑷釜鍎块兘鏅曞暒銆備竴鍧楀効鐪嬬湅鍥剧墖锛屾竻閱掓竻閱掞紵锛堝浘19銆佸浘20锛?br />
(Figure 20)
浣犳敞鎰忎袱涓ゅ箙鍥惧儚涓殑鍖哄埆浜嗗悧锛?濂藉暒锛屽幓鐪嬬湅鍙﹀鍑犳潯鍛戒护鍘烩?鈥?br />
鏈?悗锛屽彧鍓╀笅瀵瑰浘鍍忎腑鐗瑰畾鐨勯鑹茶繘琛屼慨鏀圭殑杩欎竴绫诲懡浠ゅ暒鈥斺?淇敼棰滆壊銆?br />
鎴戜滑鏉ョ湅鐪嬧?鈥?br />
2銆丷eplace Color锛堟浛鎹㈤鑹诧級鍛戒护
Replace Color鍛戒护鐨勪綔鐢ㄦ槸鏇挎崲鍥惧儚涓殑鏌愪釜鍖哄煙鐨勯鑹诧細鍦ㄥ浘鍍忎腑鍩轰簬鏌愮壒瀹氶鑹插垱寤鸿挋鐗堬紙涓存椂鐨勶級锛屾潵璋冩暣鑹茬浉銆侀ケ鍜屽害鍜屾槑搴﹀?銆?br />
璋冨嚭Replace Color瀵硅瘽妗嗐?濡傚浘21
(Figure 21)
璁惧畾濂介渶瑕佹浛鎹㈢殑棰滆壊鍖哄煙鍚庯紝鍦═ransform鏍忎腑绉诲姩涓夎褰㈡粦鍧楀Hue 锛堣壊鐩革級銆丼aturatiom 锛堥ケ鍜屽害锛夊拰Lightness锛堟槑搴︼級杩涜鏇挎崲锛屽悓鏃讹紝杩樺彲浠ョЩ鍔‵uzzlness锛堟ā绯婂害锛夋爮鐨勬粦鍧楄繘琛屾帶鍒讹紙鏁板?瓒婂ぇ锛屾ā绯婂害瓒婇珮锛屾浛鎹㈤鑹茬殑鍖哄煙瓒婂ぇ锛夛紝鏈?悗鈥滐集锛?纭畾銆?br />
(Figure 22)
棣栧厛璋冨嚭Hue/Saturation瀵硅瘽妗嗭紝濡傚浘23鎵?ず锛?br />
(Figure 23)
鐒跺悗鍦‥dit閫夐」鏍忚彍鍗曚腑閫夋嫨璋冩暣鐨勯鑹茶寖鍥达紙閫夋嫨Madter锛堝叏鍥撅級閫夐」鍙竴娆¤皟鏁存墍鏈夐鑹诧紝鍏朵粬鑼冨洿鍒欓拡瀵瑰崟涓鑹茶繘琛屼慨鏀癸級銆傚鏋滈?鎷╁叾浠栭鑹茶寖鍥达紝瀵硅瘽妗嗗簳绔殑涓ゆ潯棰滆壊鏉′箣闂翠細鍑虹幇涓?釜璋冩暣鑹插潡銆備綘鍙互鐢ㄨ繖涓皟鏁磋壊鍧楁潵缂栬緫鑹插僵銆?br />
纭畾濂借皟鏁磋寖鍥翠箣鍚庯紝灏卞彲浠ュ埄涓夎褰㈡粦鍧楄皟鏁村璇濇涓殑Hue锛堣壊鐩革級锛孲atura-tion锛堥ケ鍜屽害锛夊拰Lightness锛堟槑搴︼級鏁板?锛岃繖鏃跺浘鍍忎腑鐨勮壊褰╁氨浼氶殢婊戝潡鐨勭Щ鍔ㄨ?鍙樺寲銆?br />
鈥滆壊鐩糕?鏍忕殑鏁版嵁妗嗘墍鏄剧ず鐨勬暟鍊煎弽鏄犻鑹茶疆涓粠鍍忕礌鍘熸潵鐨勯鑹叉棆杞殑搴︽暟銆傛鍊艰〃绀洪『鏃堕拡鏃嬭浆锛岃礋鍊艰〃绀洪?鏃堕拡鏃嬭浆銆傝寖鍥村湪鈥?80~180涔嬮棿銆?br />
鈥滈ケ鍜屽害鈥濇爮涓殑鏁板?瓒婂ぇ楗卞拰搴﹁秺楂橈紙鍙嶄箣楗卞拰搴﹁秺浣庯級銆備粬鎵?弽鏄犵殑棰滆壊浠庨鑹茶疆涓績鍚戝绉诲姩鎴栦粠澶栧悜棰滆壊杞腑蹇冪Щ鍔ㄥ悗鐩稿鍘熸湁棰滆壊鐨勮捣濮嬮鑹插?銆傝寖鍥翠负鈥?00~100銆?br />
鈥滃鍔犫?鏍忎腑鐨勬暟鍊艰秺澶э紝鏄庡害瓒婇珮锛堝弽涔嬭秺浣庯級銆傛暟鍊肩殑鑼冨洿鍦ㄢ?100~100涔嬮棿銆?br />
鍒氭墠涓嶆槸璇达細鈥滃鏋滈?鎷╁叾浠栭鑹茶寖鍥达紝瀵硅瘽妗嗗簳绔殑涓ゆ潯棰滆壊鏉′箣闂翠細鍑虹幇涓?釜璋冩暣鑹插潡銆備綘鍙互鐢ㄨ繖涓皟鏁磋壊鍧楁潵缂栬緫鑹插僵鈥濆悧锛熷綋杩欎釜婊戝潡鍑虹幇鍚庯紝浣犲彲浠ヨ皟鏁磋壊鍧楃殑鑼冨洿锛屾柟娉曞涓嬶細銆?br />
1銆佺Щ鍔ㄤ腑闂撮儴鍒嗙殑鏆楃伆鑹叉粦鍧楋紝浠ラ?鎷╀笉鍚岀殑棰滆壊鍖哄煙銆?br />
2銆佹殫鐏拌壊婊戝潡鏃佽竟鐨勭珫鐩寸櫧鑹叉粦鍧楀彲璋冩暣棰滆壊鎴愬垎鐨勮寖鍥达細鍚戜袱绔浉鑳岀Щ鍔ㄥ鍔犺寖鍥达紝闄嶄綆鑹插僵涓嬮檷锛堝悜涓棿鐩稿绉诲姩鍒欑浉鍙嶏級銆?br />
鎸変笅Ctel閿紝鍚屾椂鎷栧姩棰滆壊鏉★紝鍙互浣夸笉鍚岀殑棰滆壊浣嶄簬棰滆壊鏉$殑涓績銆?br />
褰撶劧浣犱篃鍙互浠庡浘鍍忎腑閫夊彇棰滆壊鏉ョ紪杈戣寖鍥达細鍒╃敤涓夊彧鍚哥鍦ㄥ浘鍍忎腑鍗曞嚮銆傚惛绠$殑鐢ㄦ硶鍜屼笂闈eplace Color锛堟浛鎹㈤鑹诧級鍛戒护鏄浉鍚岀殑锛屾垜灏变笉澶氳浜嗐?
Colorize锛堢潃鑹诧級閫夐」锛?br />
鐜板湪锛屾垜浠潵鐪嬬湅Hue/Saturation锛堣壊鐩?楗卞拰搴︼級鍛戒护鎵ц鐨勬晥鏋滐細锛堝浘24锛?br />
(Figure 24)
Channel Mixer锛堥?閬撴贩鍚堣?锛夊懡浠ゃ?
Channel Mixer鍛戒护灏嗗綋鍓嶉鑹查?閬撲腑鐨勫儚绱犱笌鍏朵粬棰滆壊閫氶亾涓殑鍍忕礌鎸変竴瀹氱▼搴︽贩鍚堬紝鍒╃敤瀹冨彲浠ヨ繘琛屽垱閫犳?鐨勯鑹茶皟鏁淬?鍒涘缓楂樺搧璐ㄧ殑鐏板害鍥惧儚銆佸垱寤洪珮鍝佽川鐨勬繁妫曡壊璋冩垨鍏朵粬鑹茶皟鐨勫浘鍍忋?灏嗗浘鍍忚浆鎹㈠埌涓?簺鑹插僵绌洪棿锛屾垨浠庤壊褰╃┖闂翠腑杞崲鍥惧儚銆佷氦鎹㈡垨澶嶅埗閫氶亾銆?br />
璋冨嚭Channel Mixer瀵硅瘽妗嗭紝濡傚浘25銆?br />
(Figure 25)
棣栧厛鍦∣utput Channel锛堣緭鍑洪?閬擄級閫夐」鏍忎腑閫夋嫨杩涜娣峰悎鐨勯?閬擄紙鍙互鏄竴涓紝涔熷彲浠ユ槸澶氫釜锛夈?鐒跺悗鍦ㄥ璇濇鐨凷ource Channels锛堟簮閫氶亾锛夐儴鍒嗚皟鏁存煇涓?閬撶殑涓夎褰㈡粦鍧楋細涓夎婊戝潡鍚戝乏绉诲姩锛屽彲鍑忓皯婧愰?閬撳湪杈撳嚭閫氶亾涓墍鍗犵殑鐧惧垎姣旓紝鍚戝彸鎷栧姩锛屽垯鎵?緱鐩稿弽銆傦紙涔熷彲浠ュ湪鏁版嵁妗嗕腑杈撳叆锛嶏紥锛愶紣锝烇紜锛掞紣锛愪箣闂寸殑鏁板?銆傛暟鍊间负璐熸椂锛屾簮閫氶亾鍙嶇浉鍔犲叆鍒拌緭鍑洪?閬撲腑锛夈?
鎺ヤ笅鏉ヨ皟鏁村璇濇涓瑿onstant锛堝父鏁帮級鍊硷紝鍦ㄨ緭鍑洪?閬撲腑鍔犲叆涓?釜閫忔槑鐨勯?閬撱?褰撶劧锛岄?鏄庡害鑳介?杩囨粦鍧楁垨鏁板?璋冩暣锛氳礋鍊间綔涓洪粦鑹查?閬擄紝姝e?浣滀负鐧借壊閫氶亾銆?br />
鈥淥K鈥濈‘瀹氣?鈥?br />
鏈?悗鏉ョ湅涓?笅Channel Mixer鍛戒护鍏锋湁鐨勬晥鏋滐細濡傚浘26
(Figure 26)
Invert鍛戒护鑳藉鍥惧儚杩涜鍙嶇浉锛岃繍鐢ㄤ粬浠ュ皢鍥惧儚杞寲涓洪槾鐗囷紝鎴栧皢闃寸墖 杞崲涓哄浘鍍忋?锛堜笉杩囷紝Invert鍛戒护瀵规壂鎻忕殑褰╄壊鑳剁墖鏃犳晥锛夈?
Invert鍛戒护娌℃湁瀵硅瘽妗嗭紝鎵ц鏃讹紝閫氶亾涓瘡涓儚绱犵殑浜害鍊间細琚洿鎺ヨ浆鎹负棰滆壊鍒诲害涓婄殑鐩稿弽鐨勫?锛氱櫧鑹插彉涓洪粦鑹诧紝鍏朵粬鐨勪腑闂村儚绱犲?鍙栧叾瀵瑰簲鍊硷紙锛掞紩锛曪紞鍘熷儚绱犲?锛濇柊鍍忕礌鍊硷級銆?br />
Invert鍛戒护鍦ㄩ?閬撹繍绠椾腑缁忓父浣跨敤銆傛垜浠潵鐪嬬湅浠栫殑鏁堟灉锛氾紙鍥?7锛?br />
(Figure 27)
(Figure 28)
Equalize鍛戒护鑳介噸鏂板垎閰嶅浘鍍忎腑鍚勫儚绱犵殑浜害鍊硷細鏈?殫鍊间负榛戣壊锛堟垨灏藉彲浠ョ浉杩戠殑棰滆壊锛夛紝鏈?寒鍊间负鐧借壊锛屼腑闂村儚绱犲垯鍧囧寑鍒嗗竷銆?br />
鍦ㄥ璇濇鍐咃紝濡傛灉閫夋嫨Equalizeselected area only锛堜粎鑹茶皟鍧囧寲閫夊尯锛夐?椤癸紝鍒欏懡浠ゅ彧浣滅敤浜庢墍閫夊尯鍩熴?濡傛灉閫夋嫨Equalize entire image based on selected area锛堢敤鎵??鍖哄煙鑹茶皟鍧囧寲鏁翠釜鍥惧儚锛夐?椤癸紝鍒欏弬鐓ч?鍖轰腑鐨勫儚绱犵殑鎯呭喌鍧囧寑鍒嗗竷鍥惧儚涓殑鎵?湁鍍忕礌銆?br />
(Figure 29)
(Figure 30)
Threshold瀵硅瘽妗嗕腑鐨勭洿鏂瑰浘鏄剧ず褰撳墠閫夊尯涓儚绱犱寒搴︾骇銆傛嫋鍔ㄧ洿鏂瑰浘涓嬬殑涓夎褰㈡粦鍧楀埌閫傚綋浣嶇疆锛堜篃鍙互椤堕儴鏁版嵁妗嗕腑杈撳叆鏁板?锛夈?鍗曞嚮鈥滐集锛?纭畾銆?br />
Threshold鍛戒护鑳芥妸褰╄壊鎴栫伆闃跺浘鍍忚浆鎹负楂樺姣斿害鐨勯粦鐧藉浘鍍忋?浣犲彲浠ユ寚瀹氫竴瀹氳壊闃朵綔涓洪槇鍊硷紝鐒跺悗鎵ц鍛戒护锛屼簬鏄瘮鎸囧畾闃堝?浜殑鍍忕礌浼氳浆鎹负鐧借壊锛屾瘮鎸囧畾闃堝?鏆楃殑鍍忕礌浼氳浆鎹负榛戣壊銆?br />
鏉ョ湅鐪嬪浘31锛?br />
(Figure 31)
Posterize锛堣壊璋冨垎绂伙級鍛戒护銆?br />
(Figure 32)
鍦↙evels鏁版嵁涓緭鍏ユ兂瑕佺殑鑹查樁鏁帮紝鐒跺悗鍗曞嚮锛极鎸夐挳鍗冲彲銆?br />
鍒╃敤杩欎釜鍛戒护锛屽彲浠ュ埗浣滃ぇ鐨勫崟璋冨尯鍩熺殑鏁堟灉鎴栦竴浜涚壒娈婄殑鏁堟灉銆傦紙濡傚浘33锛?br />
(Figure 33)
Variations锛堝彉鏇达級鍛戒护銆?br />
棣栧厛璋冨嚭Variations瀵硅瘽妗嗐? (Figure 34)
(Figure 34)
涓嶈繃锛孷ariations鍛戒护涓嶈兘浣滅敤浜庣储寮曢鑹诧紝鍞夛紝涔熶笉鐭ヨ繖鏄笉鏄己闄封?鈥?br />
(Figure 35)
鍒拌繖閲岋紝Photoshop5.5鐨勮皟鏁村懡浠ゅ氨浠嬬粛瀹屼簡銆傝瀹炶瘽锛屾垜鎵?煡閬撶殑涔熷氨杩欎箞澶氫簡锛岃繕寰楄鎮ㄥ澶氭寚鏁欌?鈥?br />
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