Tuesday, October 26, 2010

SA118 Chinese translation 2

Chapter II into the system (Accessing the system)
Translation: hfzheng
E-mail: hfzheng@sohu.com
Be sure to keep the information reproduced translator!
User Account
Each user in the system must have an account, to log system. All user accounts in / etc / passwd file is defined, the file also includes the user to identify unique elements.
Root Account
Root ID and password in the Solaris operating environment settings during installation. This is the system administrator to carry out specific management tasks login account.
/ Etc / passwd file entry
Each / etc / passwd file entry includes the following seven parts:
lLogin ID: Login ID, including the system successfully identified the required login information, login ID is usually the user name, name of the portfolio, such as the user Bob Wood's login ID can be bobw, bwood, woodb. Login ID number must abide by three conditions: no more than eight characters; lowercase characters; unique.
lPlaceholder (placeholder): This is the part that password, password stored in the file / etc / shadow in. / Etc / shadow file contains the encrypted password and the password is invalid information (the so-called password failure message, for example, how many users need to change your password, or passwords will no longer be available), the file only by the system administrator read.
l Note: Normally, the user's full name
lLogin Direcotry: as the user's home directory, used to store the user's personal files
l default shell: When the user logs on to the system shell type of work
Login (logging in)
CDE (Common Desktop Environment) Login Manager displays the login screen, is the entrance into the system, you can login screen enter your login name and password
By selecting the Options menu, choose option, you can login from the command line
Options button (option button)
When you select the options button, the login screen will list your login option:
Common Desktop Environment
OpenWindow Desktop
User's Last Desktop
FailSafe Session
Remote Login
Enter Host Name
Choose Host From List
Command Line Login
Reset Login Screen
Language: You can use the options menu to choose for your specific language of the session, the default language set by the system administrator.
Session (session): you can choose your working desktop environment (such as CDE or OpenWindow). FailSafe Session on the workstation desktop to open a simple terminal window, when you just need to access a terminal window for faster implementation of a number of command is useful, do not have to log in and wait for the desktop session starts. You can type exit out of FailSafe Session.
Log in failure when other methods can be considered as a backup log FailSafe Session Method
remote Login (remote login): Remote login allows you to connect to a remote system and open a Remote Desktop login. This action allows you to specify the remote system's host name or select from a list of the remote system.
Command line log: command line login so you can work in a traditional non-GUI mode, the model is not a desktop session, when the system is in the command line login, the desktop is suspended. When you exit from the command line prompt manner, CDE login screen is displayed again.
Restart the login screen: This option allows you to restart the login screen
Log in using the login screen:
Log in to the desktop from the login screen session, do the following:
1, type the login ID (user name) and press Enter or click the ok button.
2, in the password text box, type your password and press Enter or click the ok button.
How the system does not recognize the user name and password, click StartOver button to re-enter your log on information.
Command line log:
1, in the Options drop-down menu, select command line login, the login screen will be replaced by a console prompt;
2, press the Enter username entry access;
3, enter your user name and press Enter;
4, enter your password and press Enter, the password will not appear on the screen.
Password required
Password used to protect unauthorized access, in the Solaris operating environment, user passwords must meet the following conditions:
l 6-8 characters in length;
l includes at least two letters, at least one lowercase letter;
l and the Login ID must be different;
l and the last at least three characters in different code;
l can include spaces.
These conditions can not afford to invalid password on the root.
Change password
Change your password regularly helps prevent unauthorized access.
Way to modify the password in the CDE:
CDE session to modify the way the password with the following steps:
1, from the desktop to open a terminal window;
2, in the shell prompt, enter the passwd command, Enter;
3, when the Enter login password: prompt appears, enter the current password login system, a carriage return;
4, when the Enter new password: prompt appears, enter the new password, Enter;
5, once again enter a new password for the password authentication system;
In the command line to modify the password:
In the command line to modify the password the following steps:
1, enter the passwd command at the prompt, Enter;
2, enter the current password;
3, enter the new password;
4 Enter the new password again enter the password for system verification;
For example:
$ Passwd
passwd: Changing password for user1
Enter login password:
New password:
Re-enter new passwd:
passwd (SYSTEM): passwd successfully changed for user1

Protection CDE session
CDE session protection to prevent unauthorized users into the system, there are two ways to protect CDE session:
l lock the screen
l out of session
Lock screen: lock screen can prevent unauthorized users from entering your CDE session, but also keep your session intact. Padlock button on the front panel is used to protect the screen, increase the password-protected. To re-enter your CDE session, enter your password and press Enter.
Out of session: There are two ways out of the session, one is to use the Exit button; another is from the workspace menu, select the log out option.
Use the exit button to exit: exit button on the front panel is used to exit from a CDE session. By default, will display an exit confirmation window, click the ok button to confirm exit, or when the ok button is highlighted, press the Enter key. Home CDE session is automatically saved, the next CDE session can return to the same workspace.
Use the workspace menu exit: exit the menu using the Workspace, right-click the desktop area, the work area from the Options menu, select Exit. By default, will display an exit confirmation window, click the ok button to confirm exit, or when the ok button is highlighted, press the Enter key. Home CDE session is automatically saved, the next CDE session can return to the same workspace.
Basic UNIX commands:
Once you log on to the system, using module 1 "Solaris Operating Environment Introduction" referred to in any way to open a terminal window, Korn shell command line prompt appears in the beginning, that shell is well prepared to receive orders.
For the Bourne shell and korn shell, the default prompt is the dollar sign ($), C shell prompt is the default percent sign (%).
Use the uname command
uname command lists information about the system, by default, type the command will display the name of the current operating system.
Show operating system name
Need to display the name of the current operating system, execute the following command:
$ Uname

Use the date command
date command displays the current date and time system
Display the date and time
Need to display the date and time, perform the following command:
$ Date
Use cal command
cal command displays the current calendar years.
Show calendar:
Need to display the calendar, the following command:
$ Cal
February 2000
S M Tu W Th F S
272 829

Command-line syntax
You can use commands with options and parameters to enhance the functions of command, UNIX command of basic grammar, including:
$ Command option (s) argument (s)
command: the executable (for help system to do)
option: correction command (used to describe what to do)
argument: file name, directory name, or text
Here are some zone option and the argument of the command examples:
$ Cal 2000 (Command and argument)
$ Uname-rpns (Command and multiple options)
$ Cal 12 1999 (Command and two arguments)
$ Banner "hi there" (Command and argument)
$ Ls (Command)
$ Ls-l (Command and option)
$ Ls directory_name (Command and argument)
$ Ls-l directory_name (Command, option, and argument)

Control characters
Through the use of special control characters, you can stop and start screen output, delete the entire command, stop command execution.
To enter control characters in the sequence, press the Control key and press the corresponding character on the keyboard to complete the desired action.
Control-c: termination order
Control-d: directed or exit end of file
Control-q: When the screen is locked out after the resumption of the screen
Control-s: stop screen output
Control-u: remove the command line
Control-w: Delete the last word in the command line
View online documentation
Online UNIX Reference Manual (also known as the man page) on the commands and their usage in detail description. Solaris operating environment includes a manual page. Man command is used to display any given command-line manual pages.
Command format
$ Man command_name
Use the man command with no arguments
You can call the man command with no arguments, such as:
$ Man uname
Reformatting page. Please Wait ... done
User Commands uname (1)
uname - print name of current system
uname [-aimnprsvX]
uname [-S system_name]
The uname utility prints information about the current sys-
tem on the standard output. When options are specified, sym-
bols representing one or more system characteristics will be
written to the standard output. If no options are specified,
uname prints the current operating system's name. The
options print selected information returned by uname (2),
sysinfo (2), or both.

Page in the manual scroll
Given below using the man command is used to control manual page scroll key:
Spacebar: Displays the manual page of the next screen
Enter: a rolling line manual page
b: to roll back a screen
f: a screen roll
q: exit the man command
/ Pattern: forward search pattern
n: Find next pattern occurs
h: list of all the scroll key
Search manual pages by section
In the manual page contains a number of different section, the manual page at the bottom of the SEE ALSO section lists the current subject matter described in other manuals, how these manuals have a number in brackets that you can use with-s option visit the manual page section.
For example, the implementation of the $ man passwd shows the manual page for the passwd command, and gives how to modify the
password, SEE ALSO the following:
finger (1), login (1), nispasswd (1), nistbladm (1),
yppasswd (1), domainname (1M), eeprom (1M), id (1M),
passmgmt (1M), pwconv (1M), su (1M), useradd (1M), userdel (1M),
Implementation of the $ man-s4 passwd displays information about the / etc / passwd file, the command $ man-s3C crypt display information about password encryption process.

Search manual pages by keyword:
When you name a command not sure, you can use with the command man-k option is used to develop a theme as a keyword.
$ Man-k calendar
cal cal (1) - display a calendar
calendar calendar (1) - reminder service
difftime difftime (3c) - computes the difference between two
calendar times
mktime mktime (3c) - converts a tm structure to a calendar

Determine the current user
who command can display the currently logged on to the local system's user list, including the login name, terminal type, login date and time has passed since the last time after the action. If the user remote login, will show the name of the user's remote system.
Command format:

$ Who
user1 console Feb 25 13:50 (: 0)
user1 pts / 4 Feb 25 14:37 (: 0.0)
user1 pts / 6 Feb 25 14:54 (: 0.0)
user1 pts / 7 Feb 25 15:24 (: 0.0)

Determine the user name
Use who am i command can determine the user name
Command format
who am i
$ Who am i
user1 pts / 7 Feb 25 15:24 (: 0.0)

Determine the details of the user group
Use the id command identifies a system user's UID, user name, GID, group name.
Command format:
id username

$ Id
uid = 11001 (user1) gid = 10 (staff)

A number of commands entered on the command line
Semicolon (;) is a special symbol, usually used as a command separator. Semicolon so that you can enter more than one command line command, when you press the Enter key, the implementation of each command shell from left to right.
Examples are as follows:
$ Cd; ls
dante dir2 file.1 file1 file4 practice
dante_1 dir3 file.2 file2 fruit tutor.vi
dir1 dir4 file.3 file3 fruit2

$ Date; cal; pwd
Thu Feb 17 16:49:34 MST 2000
February 2000
S M Tu W Th F S
272 829
/ Export/home/user1

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Contact Home Linkist then the new tactics: to provide professional exhibition space

Recently, with hundreds of thousands of business people to contact the home contacts site Linkist more than in the dormant after the introduction of "professional personal exhibition space", for business people to provide a very professional display of live venues.

Linkist ago, many people do their own personal website. But need to know html to do a site should also prepare detailed materials, know how to plan, daily busy business people are often discouraged. Please specialized companies to do business web site it, then do the difficult problem facing the promotion.

Linkist contact the family to provide timely "personal exhibition space", using the convenient Add / management, so do not understand Web site produced by busy business people can also make a colorful page. I tried to follow the instructions to do a lap, hey, do not have a few minutes, add a few links, a fresh professional image it immediately!

For a Linkist personal space is very simple. Normal use as long as a member, you can apply for similar http://show.linkist.com/lucy so easy to remember the personal domain. Domain application is successful, you can edit the contents of their own show.

I like the business people, your Blog is sure to be included in personal display inside. Add found, Linkist intimate provide an online RSS reading capabilities. This is just great, just normal Blog's RSS import, personal space immediately read the latest papers!

Try to love reading his news RSS link also import, hey, it shows. Really easy.

As to the writing of the manuscript throughout, scattered throughout the inconvenience in using RSS import, Linkist also provided hand-edit the text and hyperlinks, for taking the time to his recently made a few proud manuscript order, which can be considered under the broad masses of friends and Readers Yougejiaodai.

In addition to these show their expertise related to life functions related information, seeing their own personal space page, I was a bit surprised Linkist "additional services": the personal space and general information only to show their different, Linkist personal space This left all surprised to display the clock distribution. Obviously, this trick has highlighted the SNS (social networking) and general dating site different. Perhaps the author himself is not enough to make attractive, but if I have a lot of people who clock cycle an important figure in important industries, but also still very valuable.

Also see a member, probably business owners, we simply made his own personal space for the company's services provided, not bad.

Personal work information, and sometimes three to five years not change. But everyone's thinking, like all books, professional development, may change every week.

Long time no see friends, meet will be used: "How are you, how are things" to say hello. Linkist's personal space, apparently acted as the greet, talk to the latest features of recent developments and business opportunities.

According to relevant sources, update personal space for each member, Linkist will promptly notify his friends. Not linked to concern for a long time friend, simply open his personal space to see, you can know what he is doing, getting on well, what the two sides can discuss opportunities for cooperation. Linkist in providing connections to search, it provides such strong connections to emotional communication tool, so my friends can share their business opportunities and recent developments.

I use past experience in Linkist occasionally find someone, usually by people to find. The first concern of privacy, favor to occupy the names and companies, no one who ignores the result. Then learn to work more than fill a number of content areas of expertise, hobbies, and gradually continued to receive the information with other people understand.

Can be seen, the opportunities, often provided from the number of people searching to find their information. The author in his own personal space Linkist put a lot of small achievements accumulated over the past. As with awards, certificates, everywhere, at this time, these past experiences are the ability to support themselves.

Look Linkist personal space is an interesting display of useful things, see if it can become a rich business people show the best tool for the self.

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Glibc 2 HOWTO English Version - 1. Introduction

1.1 About glibc 2

Glibc 2 is the latest version of the GNU C library. It is currently without modification in GNU Hurd, Linux i386, m68k, and alpha systems implementation, and version 2.1 will be joined on the Linux PowerPC, MIPS, Sparc, Sparc 64 with Arm and other systems support. The future will be added to the other architecture and operating system support.

In Linux on, glibc 2 is the major version 6 of the libc, which is the successor to Linux libc 5. Linux libc's development staff in order to gradually replace the libc 5. Look on 2.0.6, glibc has a mature product quality. Glibc 2.1 version (in the near future) will add more features, and ported to more systems, sufficient as the mainstream use.

Glibc 2 There are three optional additional packages:

UFC-crypt encryption package. Because of export restrictions so be isolated.

Posix 1003.1c "pthread" interface implementation.

Locale data
Including manufacturing of the internationalization features to use glibc locale data files required information.

LinuxThreads is strongly recommended to install Cryt and two additional packages, if not installed, then there may be other libraries on the system caused by incompatible situation. (If you do not want to use these two additional packages, then you must configure in the implementation of the time with - disable-sanity-checks option)

1.2 About this document

This document covers how to install the Linux system glib 2, is only available to those in the intel-based machines using the libc 5 users. But for other systems as well as other different library (such as glibc 1) of the user, as long as this document appears in the file name and the name of the system architecture to make the appropriate substitution, should also get some help.

This HOWTO copy of the latest version available Linux Documentation Project (http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP) or http://www.imaxx.net/ ~ thrytis/glibc/Glibc2-HOWTO.html found.

1.3 The latest changes in this document

The difference between 1.5 and 1.4:

Added to the index by the Ed Bailey
My new e-mail address
The difference between 1.4 and 1.3:

The current state from the experimental into mature products.
The development of the transplant list updated.
Update to 2.0.6 the latest version.

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